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Wifi All Files Types Transfer 1.6
Nice Apps Store
Wifi All Files Types Transfer from yourphoneto PC no need for USB cable anymoreWifi All Files Types Transfer App provides solution for theuserswho want to connect their android mobile with PC withoutconnectingthrough a USB cable or wire.Wifi All Files Types Transfer App provides the connectivityofmobile device with PC through Wi-Fi.User can copy, paste, and delete files from his /her phonebyconnecting it with Personal Computer.FEATURES:Transfer all files types from your phone to PC.Transfer all files types from your PC to your phone.Easy to use with 4 stepsSmall size less than 4 MbDelete, rename, copy files of all types.(except system files)View photos directly or read videos in your web browser usingWifiAll Files Types Transfer.NOTEIn order to use this app, your computer and your phone need tobeconnected on the same WIFI network.
Turkey 3D Live Flag Ardogan 1.0
Nice Apps Store
Top quality Turkey 3D Live Flag wallpaper!Aperfect way to prove your love for your country.if you love turkey like me then make Turkey 3D Live Flag asyourscreen wallpaper in your mobile.Some information about Turkey :Turkey is a nation straddling eastern Europe and westernAsiawith cultural connections to ancient Greek, Persian,Roman,Byzantine and Ottoman empires. Cosmopolitan Istanbul, ontheBosphorus Strait, is home to the iconic Hagia Sophia, withitssoaring dome and Christian mosaics, the massive 17th-centuryBlueMosque and the circa-1460 Topkapı Palace, former home ofsultans.Ankara is Turkey’s modern capital.With Turkey 3D Live Flag you can celebrating Turkeyindependenceday or national day and feel proud of your country
رسائل تهنئة لعيد الفطر المبارك 1.0
Nice Apps Store
تطبيق رسائل تهنئة عيد الفطر المبارك يحتويعلىأزيد من 200 رسالة للتهنئة بحلول عيد الفطر المبارك وليس فقطبعيدالفطر بل بكافة الاعيادلا داعي للبحث عن رسائل و ميساجات للتهنئة بعيد الفطر فمع هذاالتطبيقيمكنك تصفح الرسائل وإختيار الرسالة المناسبةأرسل رسالة تهنئة لأفراد عائلتكأرسل رسالة تهنئة لأحبابكأرسل رسالة تهنئة لأصدقائك المقربينتطبيق رسائل تهنئة عيد الفطر المبارك سهل الإستعمال ويمكن نسخالرسالةلمشاركتها في الشبكات الإجتماعية مثل الفيسبوم وتويتروانستغرامويمكن أيضا إرسالها مباشرة من التطبيق كرسالة نصية للتهنئةبجميعالمناسبات (عيد الفطر-عيد الأضحى-عيد المولدالنبوي-جميعالمناسبات)إن أعجبكم التطبيق لا تنسو التقييم ومشاركته مع أصدقائكمApplication of Eidal-Fitrcongratulatory messages contain more than 200 messagesofcongratulations on Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Fitr is not onlytheholidays but allNo need to search for messages and Masajat Eidal-Fitrcongratulations With this application you can browse themessagesand choose the appropriate messageSend a message of congratulations to the members ofyourfamilySent a congratulatory message to loved onesSent a congratulatory message to close friendsApplication of Eid al-Fitr congratulatory messages easy to use,andthe message can be copied to their participation in socialnetworkssuch as Alvesboum and Twitter and InstagramIt can also be sent directly from the application as a textmessageto congratulate all occasions (Eid al-Adhaholiday-holidayMawlid-all occasions)If you like the application does not Tansu evaluation and shareitwith your friends
How to take care of your teeth 5.0
Nice Apps Store
Your teeth vary in shape and size dependingonwhere they are in your mouth. These differences allow the teethtodo many different jobs. Teeth help us to chew and digest food.Theyhelp us to talk, and to pronounce different soundsclearly.Finally, teeth help to give our face its shape. A healthysmile canbe a great asset; and because this is so important, itmakes senseto give your teeth the best care possible.In this application we will show you How to take care ofyourteethThe application How to take care of your teeth have multipletipsand advice like :How do I keep my teeth and gums healthy?What is plaque?How can plaque cause decay?How can plaque cause gum disease?How can I prevent gum disease?Which type of toothbrush should I use?How do I know if I have gum disease?How do electric toothbrushes work?Why is brushing important?Do electric toothbrushes clean better?How should I brush?How often should I brush my teeth?How do I know if I have removed all the plaque?How often should I change my toothbrush?Should I use a fluoride toothpaste?What sort of toothpaste should I use?Should my gums bleed when I clean in between my teeth?How should I clean between my teeth?And more tips and advice just download and install and youareready to learn How to take care of your teeth if you likedon'tforget to give 5 star and review the application.
نصائح لترك التدخين نهائيا 2.0
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يزداد عدد المدخنين يوميا بصورة كبيرة، خاصةبينالشباب صغير السن نتيجة ضغوط الحياة ومشاكل العمل، فيلجأ الكثيرمنالشباب إلى السجائر كوسيلة للهروب من المشاكل، وبعد مرور وقت منالزمنتصبح السجائر جزء أساسي في حياته والإقلاع عنها أمر مستحيلحدوثه، فهميعتقدون أن التدخين يقلل الملل والتوتر ويساعدهم علىالتركيز، ولكنهذا اعتقاد خاطئ، فالتدخين عادة سيئة من السهل التخليعنها إذا كانالشخص لدية رغبة قوية في الاقلاع عن التدخين وإذا اختارالوقت المناسبلاتخاذ هذا القرار، كما يقع على الأهل والأصدقاء دوركبير في مساعدةالشخص على الاقلاع عن التدخين .مع تطبيق نصائح لترك التدخين نهائيا سنركز على تحفيزك لكي تقلععنالتدخين نهائياهناك أربع محاوار في التطبيق :كيف تقلع عن التدخينفوائد الإقلاع عن التدخينأسباب لترك التدخينقصص نجاح لناس أقلعوا عن التدخين"ترك التدخين سهل، فقد فعلته آلاف المرات". هذه مقولةللكاتبالأميركي مارك توين ربما تصف حالك إن كنت مدخنا. فتدخين السجائريعدمن أصعب أنواع الإدمان، إلا أن الإقلاع عنه ليس مستحيلا،فعددالمدخنين السابقين في أميركا يفوق عدد المدخنين الحاليين، وكلماكنتمطلعا على الخيارات المختلفة التي أفادت غيرك كلما كانت العمليةأسهلبالنسبة إليك.أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من تطبيق نصائح لترك التدخين نهائيا وان يكونسببافي إقلاعكم عن التدخين وغن كنت لا تدخل فأوصي به صديق لك او فردامنالعائلة يدخن فربما تكون سببا في تغيير حياته للأفضل.Significantlyincreasingthe number of daily smokers, especially among young as aresult ofthe pressures of life and the problems of work, he resortslot ofyoung people to cigarettes as a way to escape problems, andafterthe time of the passage of time cigarettes become an essentialpartof his life and quit it is impossible to happen, they believethatsmoking reduces boredom and stress and helps them focus, butthismisconception, smoking is a bad habit is easy to be abandonedifthe person has a strong desire to quit smoking, and if youchosethe right time to make this decision, and is located on thefriendsand family a big role in helping the person to quit smoking.With application tips to quit smoking once and we will focusonin order to motivate you to quit smoking completelyThere are four Mahawar in the application:how to quit smokingThe benefits of quitting smokingReasons to quit smokingThe success stories of people quit smoking"Quitting smoking is easy, he has done thousands of times."Thisnotion of the American writer Mark Twain probably describe areyouif you are a smoker. Vtdechan cigarettes is one of themostdifficult types of addiction, but quitting is not impossible,thenumber of former smokers in America outnumber current smokers,andthe more you are familiar with the different options thathavebenefited others whenever the process easier for you.I hope that you benefit from the application of tips to quitsmokingonce and be the cause of Aqlaekm smoking Logan Therefore Iadviseyou do not enter you by a friend or family member smokes maybe areason to change his life for the better.
Piadas Engraçadas e Humor 2017 10.0
Nice Apps Store
as mais engraçadas piadas . Top de humor.Piadas , histórias , crivos, mais engraçado , piadas maisengraçadasUm monte de piadas originais ,Esta aplicação contém piadas, humor, riso, piada curta , piadaengraçada , história engraçadaEsta aplicação permite-lhe evitar a seco para baixo para sedivertir com os amigos. histórias engraçadas e curtas para todos osgostos .Nós não vamos deixar você sozinho risada, cada piada pode sercompartilhada :- Por email- No Facebook- No Twitter- Por mensagem de textothe funniest jokes. Topof humor. Jokes, stories, riddles, funniest, funniest jokesA lot of original jokes,This application contains jokes, humor, laughter, short joke, funnyjoke, funny storyThis application allows you to avoid dry down to have fun withfriends. Funny and short stories for everyone.We will not leave you alone laugh, every joke can be shared:- By email- On Facebook- On twitter- By text message
حكم وأقوال جدودنا الأولين 1.0
Nice Apps Store
تطبيق حكم وأقوال جدودنا الأولين يحتوي علىأزيدمن 800 حكمة ومقولة دات معنى كبير ومعبرة للغايةأمثال وحكم عريقة كانت منشورة آنذاك كان يستعملها أجدادنا للتعبيرعنرأيهم في عدة أمورأمثال وحكم الحياةأمثال وحكم الأزواجأمثال وحكم الوالدينأمثال وحكم التعاملأمثال وحكم الماضيأمثال وحكم المواقف الإجتماعيةمع تطبيق حكم وأقوال جدودنا الأولين ستتعلم أقوال مأثورة لكيتستعملعهاانت أيضا للتعبير عن رأيك بطريقة جدودنا الاولين وناسبكريأتمنى أن يعجبكم التطبيق وأي استفسار او إقتراح يمكنممراسلتيوشكراThe application oftherule and the sayings of our forefathers first two contain morethan800 and the wisdom of the saying dat large and highlyexpressivemeaningSuch as the rule of an ancient were published at the time wasusedby our ancestors to express their opinion on severalmattersSuch as the rule of lifeLikes and sentenced couplesSuch as the rule of parentsSuch as the rule dealThe likes of the past and the ruleSuch as the rule of social attitudesWith the application of the rule and the first two words ofourforefathers you will learn sayings to Tstamalaa you alsoexpressyour opinion in a way our forefathers and the first twopeopleBakriI hope you like the application and any query or suggestionAmcnamemail me and thank you
إختبر ثقافتك معلومات عامة 2.6
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تطبيق إختبر ثقافتك معلومات عامة هو تطبيقتثقيفيوترفيهي لإختبار معلوماتك ومدى قوة ثقافتك العامةأسئلة وأجوبة في الاسلامأسئلة وأجوبة في الرياضةأسئلة وأجوبة في التاريخأسئلة وأجوبة في الصحةأسئلة وأجوبة في الحياةأسئلة وأجوبة في العلومأسئلة وأجوبة في الموادوالعديد من المستويات أكثر من 1000 معلومة سؤال وجواب لكيتطورثقافتككل مستوى يحتوي على 10 اسئلة إن اكملتها تتابع للمستوى التاليوهكذادواليكمع اختبار الثقافة العامة ستزيد من معلوماتك الثقافيةApplication Testyourculture General Information It is an educational andentertainingapplication to test your knowledge and the strength ofthe generalcultureQuestions and answers in IslamQuestions and answers in SportsQuestions and answers in historyQuestions and answers on healthQuestions and answers in lifeQuestions and answers in scienceQuestions and answers in articlesThe many levels of more than 1,000 information Question andanswerto the evolution of cultureEach level contains 10 questions that you complete sequence forthenext level and so forthTesting with the general culture will increase your cultural
قياس المحبة بين المقربين 1.0
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مع تطبيق قياس المحبة بين المقربين إعرف لأي مدىيحبك الشخص المقرب لك ومدى قوة علاقتكماتطبيق صغير الحجم شكل جذابإفتح تطبيق مع تطبيق قياس المحبة بين المقربين ثم إضغط زر إبدأبعدها أدخل إسم أقرب الناس إليك وبعدها أدخل اسمك ثم إضغط على زرحسابستضهر لك النتيجة يمكنك مشاركتها مع أصدقائك لتستمتعوابأوقاتكماالمميزات:-مقياس الحب-مقياس المحبة بين الاصدقاء-مقياس الحب بين الحبيبين-مقياس الحب بين الزوجين-مقياس الحب بين الاقاربالتطبيق للمتعة فقطWith the application ofmeasuring the love between close Know what extent loves the personwho is close to you and the strength of your relationshipSize small application form attractiveUnlock the application with the application of measurement of loveamong the closest and then click the Start buttonThen enter the name of the people closest to you and then enteryour name and then click on the calculate buttonStdahr you the result you can share with your friends to enjoyBooqatkmaAdvantages:-The measure of love-mkies Love between friends-mkies Love between two lovers-mkies Love between spouses-mkies Love between relativesThe application just for fun
حصن المسلم الشامل في الأذكار 2.0
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تطبيق حصن المسلم الشامل في الأذكار اليوميةهوتطبيق يحتوي على الأذكار والأدعية فقد أوصانا رسولنا الكريم محمدصلىالله عليه وسلم بكثرة الذكر كما جاء في حديثه :قال صلى الله عليه وسلم : " ما جلس قوم مجلساً لم يذكروا الله فيه،ولم يصلوا على نبيهم إلا كان عليهم ترة ، فإن شاء عذبهم وإن شاءغفرلهم "وقال صلى الله عليه وسلم :" ما من قوم يقومون من مجلس لا يذكروناللهفيه إلا قاموا عن مثل جيفة حمار وكان لهم حسرة "يحتوي تطبيق حصن المسلم الشامل في الأذكار على العديد منالأذكارنذكر منها :"أذكار الاستيقاظ من النوم""دعاء لبس الثوب""دعاء لبس الثوب الجديد""ما يقول إذا وضع الثوب""دعاء دخول الخلاء""دعاء الخروج من الخلاء""الذكر قبل الوضوء""الذكر بعد الفراغ من الوضوء""الذكر عند الخروج من المنزل""الذكر عند الدخول المنزل""دعاء الذهاب إلى المسجد""دعاء دخول المسجد""دعاء الخروج من المسجد""أذكار الأذان""دعاء الاستفتاح""دعاء الركوع""دعاء الرفع من الركوع""دعاء السجود""دعاء الجلسة بين السجدتين""دعاء سجود التلاوة""التشهد""الصلاة على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم بعد التشهد""الدعاء بعد التشهد الأخير وقبل السلام""الأذكار بعد السلام من الصلاة""دعاء صلاة الاستخارة""أذكار الصباح والمساء""أذكار النوم""الدعاء إذا تقلب ليلاً""دعاء القلق والفزع في النوم ومن بلي بالوحشة""ما يفعل من رأى الرؤيا أو الحلم"والمزيد من الأذكار لا تنسوا مشاركة تطبيق حصن المسلم الشاملفيالأذكار مع أصدقائكم وأيضا تقييم التطبيق وفقنا الله وإياكم لمايحبويرضىImplementation oftheComprehensive Fortress of the Muslim daily Azkar is anapplicationthat contains the dhikr and supplications has commandedus HolyProphet Muhammad, peace be upon him frequently mentioned asstatedin his speech:He said peace be upon him: "What people sat council didnotmention God in him, and did not arrive at their prophet, buttheyhad to period, the willing tortured if he wishesforgivethem."He said peace be upon him: "What the people who are doingtheCouncil does not mention God in him, but they all like acadaverdonkey was heartbreak for them."Implementation of the Comprehensive Fortress of the MusliminAdhkaar contains many of the dhikr, including:"Remembrance waking up.""Doaa wearing the dress.""Doaa wearing the new dress.""If what he says put the dress.""Doaa entering the toilet.""Doaa out of the washroom.""Mentioned before ablution""Dhikr after finishing ablution""When leaving the house.""Upon entering the house the male""Prayers go to the mosque.""Doaa entering the mosque.""Doaa out of the mosque.""Remembrance Mobile""Opening du'aa""Kneeling prayers""Lifting of kneeling prayers""Doaa prostration""Prayer session between the two prostrations""Prostration prayer recitation""Tashahhud""Prayer on the Prophet, peace be upon him after tashahhud""Pray for peace after the last tashahhud and before""Dhikr after the prayer.""Doaa istikhaarah""Morning and Evening""Remembrance sleep""If you pray at night flips""Doaa anxiety and panic in the sleep and play lonely""What does the seen the vision or dream."And more Azkar Do not forget to post the application ofthecomprehensive Muslim fort in dhikr with your friends andalsoevaluate the application and May Allah guide you to what lovesandwhich pleases
Pro Free Fire Player VS Noob Player 5.0
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➢ Pro Free Fire Player VS Noob Player includes both videos and postabout free fire games that will help you to improve your playskills and get the winner winner chicken dinner every time you playwith your friends. ➢ Are you a free fire player and want to improveyour skills and know how to play and win. ➢ With this applicationyou will learn how to play and what is the best strategies to win.➢ Here is what you will learn in this app : #Know your CharacterStrength in free fire #Know your Weapon #Change Your Plan accordingto Game #Get your Weapon & Armor first #Know the Safe Zone onfree fire #Vehicle Vs. Trees #Choose airdrop carefully and moretips and trick hope you enjoy don't forgot to give us a 5 start andwe will be so happy and thanks for installing our application ;)#If you follow this guide you will survive with your squad moretime and win the winner winner chicken dinner because is your dutyto stay with your squad like that you help each other you will bethe Gangster's Spirit of the squad you will be the Sandstormwarriors with your Gun Slingers . DiSCLAIMER: ➢ This app is just awalk through to help people to know all about Free Fire BattleRoyale Games tactics.
Fast HD Video Downloader 2017 4
Nice Apps Store
This application will help you to save videofrom facebook to your SD Card.Why that because sometimes you don't have connection and when youare connecting by WiFi you can save favorite video from facebook towatch them later.This application is very easy to use you will not have any problemwhen you use Fast Video Downloader.*** How To Use****************************1. Login and browse your wall.2. Play the video you want to download.3. Click yes to download video.************************************************* Features *******************************1- Easy to use.2- Allows you to save videos and watch them later.3- No need to root your mobile to do that.************************************************************* Important Notes ***********************************1- This application is not an official application for the Facebookofficial network.2- Any unauthorized downloading or re-uploading of contents rightsis the sole responsibility of the user.*****************************************************************I hope that you like and you benefit from the application FastVideo Downloader do not forget to share it with your friends and Iwill be graciously if you would evaluate the application
Easy Ringtone Maker-MP3 Cutter 1.1
Nice Apps Store
Easy Ringtone Maker-MP3 Cutter help youtocreate new ringtone for your mobileCreate new ringtone for your mobile by cutting your song andchoosethe favorite section of any song you likeMake your own MP3 ringtones fast and easy with this app. Youcaneven record a live audio and this MP3 editor can edit and trimthebest parts from it for free. Supports MP3, WAV, AAC, AMR andmostother music formats. This app is also a music editor/alarmtonemaker/ ringtone cutter and notification tone creator.♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪How to use Easy Ringtone Maker-MP3 Cutter :1.Select mp3/music from your mobile or from Recordings.2.Select area to be chopped from your audio.3.Save as Ringtone/Music/Alarm/Notification.Cut the best part of your audio song and save it asyourRingtone/Alarm/Music File/Notification Tone.App Features :♪ Easy to use.♪ Supports many formats.♪ Small size.♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪
Sticker maker for WAStickerApps 6.0.1
Nice Apps Store
Sticker maker for WhatsApp will help you to create your personalsticker with your picture and make a funny sticker to use them withfriends to be unique by creating a new sticker and share them withyour friends. How it works: 1-open the app and click on the + icon2-give name to your new stickers 3-add you picture or any pictureyou have on your phone 4-use the eraser icon if you want to removeunwanted space on the picture 5-you have 4 more option *Decorationwhere you can choose from the 200 icon if you want to add it inyour sticker *Text where you can write any word and add it to yoursticker *Brush where you can paint anything you want to use in yoursticker *Emoji where you can use some emoji in your sticker That'sit and repeat the same step 3 time you have to add 3 stickers ormore and when you are done you can just click on your sticker andadd it to WhatsApp And also in our app, we have more than 1000sticker in many categories Woman & man stickers and more weupdate our data daily so open the app daily to see the new stickers;)